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Narrator agent settings


The text-generation client to use for conversation generation.

Generation Override

Checkbox that exposes further settings to configure the conversation agent generation.


Extra instructions for the generation. This should be short and generic as it will be applied for all narration.

Auto Break Repetition

If checked and talemate detects a repetitive response (based on a threshold), it will automatically re-generate the resposne with increased randomness parameters.

Narrate time passaage

Whenever you indicate a passage of time using the Scene tools, the narrator will automatically narrate the passage of time.

Guide time narration via prompt

Wheneever you indicate a passage of time using the Scene tools, the narrator will wait for a prompt from you before narrating the passage of time.

This allows you to explain what happens during the passage of time.

Narrate after dialogue

Whenever a character speaks, the narrator will automatically narrate the scene after.