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Character Editor

Characters in a scene are managed in the World Editor under the Characters tab.

You can create and remove characters, manage their details, and track their states.

Characters can also be temporarily disabled, which will prevent them from being included in the scene' dialogue generation. (e.g., they are out of the scene for a moment.)

Character Components

A character is made up of the following components:


Attributes are low to medium detail information about the character. They range from physical attributes to personality traits.


Details are low to high detail information about the character. They could contain information about the character's background, history, or other relevant information.

When a state reinforcment is updated the value is set to the corresponding detail.


Description is a description of the character. A summarization of their appearance, personality, and other relevant information as it relates to the scene.

Tracked states

Actor management

Actor management lets you define acting and speaking patterns for the character via dialogue instructions and examples. This is only available for AI characters.